Just had my water tested (well water) and need a water neutralizer. Have been investigating and have come across two methods. Upflow and downflow neutralizer units. Each has pluses and minuses but I'd like some first hand accounts and experiences to help me make a decision. Comments and opinions please.
If there is iron in the water then the down flow with a backwashing valve is going to be needed.
Acid water can also be treated by injecting a solution made with soda ash. The advantage of soda ash solution injection is that it does not raise the hardness of the water. The downside is that injection requires more maintenance and tending as compared to a neutralizing filter--either upflow or down flow.
@Akpsdvan: Yup got iron, but have a whole house water filter which does an admirable job. @Bob999 : looked at soda ash injector but seems like a lot of care and feeding. In addiiton, the water tank I have is a bladder water tank. I've been told in order to use the injection, I'd have to go to a different type water tank with the input on one side of the tank and and the output on the other side.
What is your actual PH? Calcite only does so much. I have an up flow but I modified it somewhat with a hose bib after the outlet so I can wash out the calcite dust when i add new mineral.
I also have some iron and have a 30 micron pre filter before all water treatment.
Make sure you get the proper basket on the discharge so you get no calcite in your water system and fixtures.
Mike NJ
Injection can be done (and is typically done) on the water line from the well to the bladder tank. The injection pump is wired to the same circuit as the well pump so that it only runs when the well pump is running. I think you got bum information on the connection requirements for injection.
But you correctly understand the care and feeding issues of injection.
Personally I use a backwashing calcite filter--I think the approach is superior to the upflow filters and potential problems with material getting into the water supply.
Calcite alone is normally sufficient down to a pH of about 6 with a mix of calcite and corosex necessary if the pH is lower than 6. If you use a mix of calcite and corosex use the minimum amount of corosex to achieve satisfactory pH, mix the calcite and corosex completely, and ensure regular and complete backwash to avoid cementing.
A calcite (or calcite/corosex) filter is normally installed first--before any other filters such as iron or a softener.
@Lawrosa: One of the concerns about up-flow for me is the need to screen or filter material from entering the water supply. They have to be cleaned/replaced periodically as the affect water flow. However, I understand that the need to back-wash is minimal.
@Bob999: You are suggesting that a whole house filter be installed AFTER the neutralizer? That seems counter intuitive to me. Why would you do it that way?
Once you get the head you can make it up flow or down flow. You can get a down flow and a manual backwash valve.
Mike NJ
An acid neutralizing filter is a whole house filter. What I was saying for situations that have more than one whole house filter is that the AN filter is typically first, followed by, in your case, the iron filter and then, if there is one, a softener.
Tags: acid, water, neutralizer, calcite corosex, down flow, whole house, house filter, water tank, whole house filter, care feeding, flow down