There are many choices in home gym equipment, both for cardiovascular and strength training workouts. The Total Gym 1700 is one option for strength training. After purchasing, you will need to assemble this product yourself. Once it is assembled, you may perform exercises such as squats, pull-ups, cross cable rows and exercises for the outer hips. Before and after your workout, stretch your muscles. If you have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before beginning a new fitness routine.
1. Arrange the product so that the glideboard is facing up. Slide the glideboard toward the front crossbar.
2. Lift the Total Gym from the top of both rails and spread it open about 1 foot wide. It should rest on the back and front crossbars. Continue spreading it out so that it lies down flat.
3. Locate the safety hitch pin on the vertical column and remove it. Remove all packing ties and discard.
4. Pull out the knob from the left rail. While holding out the knob, pull the vertical column upright. Release the knob and pin.
5. Slide both of the rails alongside the vertical column while holding down the unit with one foot placed on the back crossbar. When you hear a snap, turn the knob clockwise until it tightens. Insert the safety pin into the vertical column.
6. Insert the pilates bar into the front crossbar.
7. Unscrew and remove the nut on the stopper. Place the stopper into the back crossbar and screw the nut back on it.
8. Perform squats with both of your feet securely on the stand and your body on the glideboard. Bend your knees to squat down, then return to an upright position.
9. Modify the squat to a single-leg squat. Lift one leg upward and perform squats, then repeat with your other leg.
10. Position your body face-down on the glideboard and grasp the wing attachment to perform pull-ups. Pull yourself up on the glideboard so that your chin touches the wing attachment. Lower yourself down and repeat.
11. Grasp the cable handles while seated on the glideboard, facing toward the wing attachment. Cross the cable handles so that your right hand is holding the left handle, and vice versa. Pull the handles back, then return to your original position. This exercise is called the cross cable row.
12. Sit on the glideboard and place your feet on the pulleys to perform outer thigh and hip exercises. Grasp the cable handles and push the cable with your feet. Return to your original position and repeat.
Tags: total, 1700, instructions, vertical column, cable handles, wing attachment, your feet, back crossbar, both rails, cross cable, front crossbar, glideboard facing, Grasp cable