Saturday, February 22, 2014

House Train A Pomeranian Puppy

Pomeranian puppies can be stubborn, so owners need to be consistent and persistent when house training.

Pomeranians are among the most intelligent, athletic and enthusiastic of the toy breeds, but most owners soon discover these puppies can also be quite a handful. Their high-energy nature combined with an innate stubbornness can make it seem difficult to house train Pomeranian puppies, but don't worry. With consistency, persistence and discipline, even the most wily Pomeranian can learn the house rules.


1. Establish the basic house rules for your puppy to follow by deciding where in your home the puppy will be allowed to eat, sleep and roam freely, and which areas are off limits.

2. Purchase a dog-training crate big enough for your Pomeranian puppy to stand and move around inside. Put a dog bed and a toy inside the crate and place the crate in the room where your dog will sleep. Introduce your puppy to the crate by putting a treat inside and praising the puppy when it enters the crate.

3. Set a schedule. Take your puppy outside at least every two hours for the first few months after its been adopted. Pomeranian puppies have very small bladders, and accidents will happen, especially when they are young. Have patience and remember not to yell or strike the dog when it eliminates indoors.

4. When you catch your Pomeranian in the act of peeing or pooping indoors, clap your hands, say Aah! Aah! and pick the puppy up to go outside. Be sure to give lots of praise when the puppy eliminates outside.

5. Feed your puppy on a schedule. Make sure you walk your dog at least 30 minutes after it eats or drinks, especially in the early weeks after adoption. Never leave food down all day for your Pomeranian to munch on.

6. Any time the puppy is left alone in a room or exercises bad behavior, do not give it attention for a short period of time.

Tips Warnings

Sometimes a professional dog trainer can help owners train the most stubborn of dogs. A listing of professional dog trainers can be found at the Association of Professional Dog Trainers website.

Never yell at, strike or kick a puppy after it pees or poops indoors. This form of punishment can cause the dog to develop aggression problems, anxiety and other behavioral problems, according to the Humane Society of the United States.

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