Monday, August 17, 2009

Vitamin F Skin Care

Vitamin F, also known as the omega fatty acids, is extremely beneficial for the skin. There are many types of omega fatty acids, including omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9. You can find omega fatty acids in oily fish, such as salmon or snapper, in flax seed oil or in supplement form.

Prevention of Skin Cancer

Omega fatty acids fight off free radicals that can attack the skin, thus preventing the skin from damage and cancers.

Prevention of Wrinkles

Taking the omega fatty acids moisturizes you from the inside out, and makes your skin softer and smoother.

Helping Soothe Skin Conditions

Omega fatty acids help skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Many times simply taking omega fatty acids daily can cause these conditions to go into remission.

Lessening of Acne

Taking omega fatty acids over a period of time can reduce acne and aids your skin in healing acne hyper-pigmentation faster.

Treating Rosacea

Omega fatty acids can treat rosacea and even cause rosacea to go into remission.

Tags: fatty acids, omega fatty, omega fatty acids, into remission, Omega fatty