Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Be A Pregnant Vegetarian

Be a Pregnant Vegetarian

The need for certain nutrients increases during pregnancy, and a vegetarian is no different. Since you only need about 300 more calories a day when pregnant, it is important that you eat nutrient-dense food and stay away from empty calories.


1. Boost your calcium intake. Eat at least four servings of calcium-rich foods every day. Good choices are calcium-fortified tofu, bok choy, broccoli, dark green leafy vegetables, calcium-fortified soy milk and cereals.

2. Get out into the sun. Sunlight is the easiest way to get vitamin D. All you need is about 20 minutes of sun directly on your face and hands two or three times a week. Do not use sunblock, and go out when the sun is weakest.

3. Eat vitamin D-fortified foods if you don't get enough sun. It is difficult to get enough vitamin D from food, unless the products you eat are fortified with it. Examples of fortified foods are cereals, or if you eat dairy products, milk.

4. Make sure you are getting enough vitamin B-12, which is not found in most plant-based foods. Take a multivitamin, or eat B-12-fortified cereal or B-12-fortified soy milk. Some brands of nutritional yeast also contain B-12.

5. Assess your iron intake. Your need for this mineral increases during pregnancy, especially during the second half. Eat beans, dark green leafy veggies, blackstrap molasses, nuts and seeds. You can also get iron from fortified breads and cereals. Many women, whether vegetarian or not, don't get enough iron during pregnancy; you may need to supplement.

6. Eat plenty of protein. Your need for protein increases about 30 percent during pregnancy, but most vegetarian women eat more than enough protein in their regular diets.

7. Watch your zinc intake. This mineral may be a little bit difficult to get in a strict vegetarian or vegan diet, and the need for it increases during pregnancy. You can get zinc from whole grains and legumes, but you may need to supplement.

Tags: during pregnancy, increases during, increases during pregnancy, dark green, dark green leafy