Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Avoid Getting Sick When Flying

You've got an upcoming flight and you are absolutely dreading the idea of sitting next to some coughing, hacking person, who not only hogs the arm rest, but sneezes on you too. Here are some tips on fly without getting sick.


1. Book a seat near the front. Recently a study was done where it was discovered that the air quality in the front of the plane is superior to that in the back. This is due to the fact that the filter is in the front of the plane. So even if you are not flying first class, book a ticket as close to the premium seats as possible. Less germs equals less risk of getting sick.

2. Drink water. When you fly, you get dehydrated. The altitude coupled with the salty, sugary or alcoholic drinks consumed and the dry air all dehydrate. Many people experience their feet swelling. This is actually the body trying to hold onto water within the cells. So put down the tomato juice when flying the friendly skies and drink water. Remember eight glasses of water a day is what you are supposed to consume. Adhere to that rule especially when you fly. Keeping your body hydrated will help bolster the immune system and keep organs in fine working order.

3. Bring your own pillow and blanket. Those pillows and blankets that are passed around are on several flights before they are washed. There's no telling how many people have coughed, sneezed or breathed on them. When you fly, bring a travel size pillow and fold up blanket. You can purchase these at the airport store or at online retailers and auction sites like eBay. Another option is to bring your own pillow case. Put your pillow case over the pillow. This will at least insulate you from direct contact with the germs.

4. Take vitamins. Airborne is increasingly popular. Developed by a teacher who was always getting sick, airborne is essentially a giant vitamin with large doses of vitamin C that help bolster your immune system. Airborne can be purchased at Rite Aid, CVS, most supermarkets and even at airport news stands. If you can't find that, then take a multivitamin. It will do essentially the same thing.

5. Cover your tray. In the same spirit of the pillows and blankets, be careful touching your tray. Cover the tray with a piece of your newspaper or wipe it down with a handy wipe or gel hand cleaner.

6. Sit back and enjoy your flight. Now that you are on board, kick the seat back and catch some shut eye. That will bolster the immune system too.

Tags: immune system, your pillow, bolster immune, bolster immune system, front plane, getting sick, help bolster