Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Best Female Vitamin For Hair Loss

This woman takes her omega-3s.

The same rules that apply for a healthy body also apply for healthy hair. If you've noticed more hair in the shower drain lately, incorporating essential omega-3s into your diet may be everything your hair is asking for.

Omega-3s: Good Fats

Salmon is delicious to eat and your hair will thank you for it.

There are many individuals who have a "sub-clinical lack of omega-3 fatty acids--these are 'good' fats, which have anti-inflammatory properties and may actually play a role in healthy hair," says Samantha Heller, MS, RD at WebMD.

Anti-inflammatory Properties

Omega-3s are also needed for a healthy scalp since they have anti-inflammatory properties. If you're missing out on them in your diet, your hair (or what's left of it) will appear dull and dry. Anti-inflammatories also alleviate scalp problems that may be stifling hair growth.

Omega-3s in Food

Since your body can't produce omega-3s, you have to get them from food or a supplement. Salmon, walnuts, canola oil and soy are all great ways to get the much needed omega-3 fatty acids. If you're a vegetarian, 1 or 2 tbsp. of flaxseed a day will do the trick.


Supplements are another great way to make sure you're getting enough omega-3s. However, you don't want to overdo it; check with your doctor about how many are safe to take.


Chronic hair loss may not be solved by simply eating more fish or taking a supplement. Whether you decide to try getting more omega-3s or not, you should check with your doctor and discuss the hair loss issue so that she can rule out any underlying condition.

Tags: your hair, anti-inflammatory properties, apply healthy, check with, check with your, hair loss, have anti-inflammatory