Friday, August 9, 2013

Health Benefits Of Sunlight Lamps

Regular light bulbs aren't the best way to get light nor are the newer compact fluorescent bulbs. Different studies suggest that they cause eye strain, headaches, depression, and stress. The reason is that the yellow light forces you to strain your eyes and increase your concentration level. However, sunlight lamps re-create natural light and give you the benefits that come with it.

Increased Energy Levels

Natural light can help improve your energy level. It helps reset your biorhythms to reduce fatigue and stress. It can help eliminate seasonal affective disorder, the mild depression that comes from lack of sunlight and ultraviolet light.

Reduced Eye Strain

The light from a sunlight lamp can eliminate eye strain and weariness. This is because the light improves the visibility of what you see in the light so you strain less. In addition, less strain on your eyes can help reduce the onset of crow's feet.

Reduced Stress

In addition to fighting seasonal affective disorder, light from sunlight lamps helps reduce stress and improve your heart's efficiency, in turn lowering blood pressure. These benefits come from the ultraviolet light in the sunlight lamp's full-spectrum light.

See Better

Natural light creates better contrast, so it is easier to read. Colors also aren't muted as they are from the greenish or yellowish tint of a regular light bulb.

Improved Vitamin D Production

Vitamin D helps absorb calcium for strong bones, supports your immune system, and reduces common cancers and some other diseases. The body can produce Vitamin D when the skin is exposed to sunlight. By providing full-spectrum sunlight in your home with sunlight lamps, you can get the same benefits.

Tags: sunlight lamps, affective disorder, from sunlight, improve your, light from