Friday, August 2, 2013

Make Liquid Whey

Liquid whey is easy to prepare and can be used in numerous food preparations.

Whey is a light, yellow-colored liquid byproduct from the preparation of yogurt or cheese. Liquid whey is nutritious; it contains proteins and several water-soluble vitamins and minerals. Whey protein is more soluble than casein, the other protein that is produced by milk. You can easily make liquid whey and use it on its own or add it to a variety of foods while cooking.


1. Set a deep-bottomed glass bowl on a table. Place a strainer over it and cover with a cheesecloth or a tea towel.

2. Pour 40 oz. of unflavored yogurt over the cheesecloth and let the liquid from the yogurt drain through the cheesecloth and strainer into the bowl. Cover the yogurt with the cheesecloth and tie the cloth securely to squeeze out all the liquid.

3. Let the yogurt-covered cheesecloth stand in the strainer for around six hours or until all the liquid has drained out of the cheesecloth. The liquid that collects in the bowl is whey.

4. Pour the whey from the bowl into glass jars. Drink the liquid whey by stirring in 1 tsp. of honey or maple syrup, or store in the refrigerator for future use.

Tags: cheesecloth liquid, with cheesecloth