Monday, August 9, 2010

Fertilizers With Humic Acid & Vitamin C

Fertilizers with humic acid and vitamin C improve the qulaity of fruits.

A fertilizer that contains humic acid and vitamin C stimulates plant enzymes and promotes strong healthy growth. It also increases a plant's tolerance of diseases, pests and environmental stresses.

Humic Acid

Humic acid is derived from humic matter -- completely decomposed organic matter. It is non-soluble and contains concentrated amounts of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins. It neutralizes the soil so plants can easily take up and use available nutrients. It also improves the soil structure for better air and water retention. Humic acid increases the germination rate of seeds, the formation of roots, and the thickness of cell walls. It aids in photosynthesis and the development of chlorophyll.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps plants fight drought, ozone and other environmental stresses. It also protects plants against the harmful side effects of sunlight during photosynthesis. Plants cannot grow without vitamin C, according to the article, "Vitamin C is Essential for Plant Growth", on the Science Daily website.

Golden Harvest Natural Fertilizer

Golden Harvest Natural Fertilizer contains humic acid and trace minerals derived from alfalfa. Vitamin C, as well as vitamins A and B-12, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium come from comfrey. Other ingredients include equisetum, yarrow and yucca extract. The fertilizer can be used on flowers, shrubs, trees, lawns, vegetables and houseplants. It is used as a foliar spray or soil drench.

Humibiol Humic Acid Based Fertilizer

Biomax manufactures Humibiol Humic Acid Based Fertilizer for use on flowers, shrubs, trees, lawns, vegetables and houseplants. It is applied as a soil drench or foliar spray, or through an irrigation system. It is a blend of humic and amino acids, with trace amounts of biochemically active substances, biological acids and nucleotides. It contains vitamin C, as well as vitamins B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6 and B-12, biotin and folic acid.

Maxi Grow Organic Tomato Fertilizer

EcoChem designed Maxi Grow Organic Tomato Fertilizer for use on field crops and in greenhouses as a foliar spray or soil drench. It contains macro- and micro-nutrients, trace elements and minerals. It also contains amino acids, biotin, cytokinins, enzymes, folic acid, humic acid, proteins, and vitamins B-2, B-3 and C. The product's maker claims it makes the plants more resistant to frost and drought, improves root growth, and increases the quality and size of the fruit.

Tags: foliar spray, Humic Acid, humic acid, soil drench, Acid Based, Acid Based Fertilizer, acid vitamin