Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What Are The Risks Of A Baby Born To Teenage Parents

Babies of teen parents face a range of risks.

The rate of teen births in the United States is on the decline, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But for those children who are born to teenage parents, the risks remain real and severe. Typical teen issues, from poor nutrition to emotional immaturity, become magnified when an infant is introduced into the equation.


The babies of teen mothers are susceptible to critical health issues including premature birth and low birth weight, according to the March of Dimes. Teen mothers often do not gain a healthy amount of weight during their pregnancy. The foods a pregnant teen eats may not always meet the proper nutritional guidelines for carrying a healthy fetus to full term. Teens often do not receive an adequate amount of prenatal care or take prenatal vitamins daily. Premature birth can result in health issues such as organs that are not fully developed, respiratory distress syndrome and intestinal problems.


Baby supply costs add up quickly.

Teenage parents who attempt to raise an infant on their own are often faced with financial shortcomings. If they are still students, this may leave little time for working and earning money. Even if they choose to work full-time, chances are they will not be able to earn enough to cover the costs of raising a child. In addition to the typical expenses of housing, utilities and food, a baby incurs additional expenses for diapers, clothing, baby furniture, and medical needs. Unless there are relatives willing to care for the baby while the parents work, add on the cost of child care.

Social Skills

Children born to teenage parents often grow up with lower level social and cognitive skills, according to "Kids Having Kids," a 2008 study from the Urban Institute Press. This is a result of a lack of parenting skills on the part of the parents. Teens, in essence, are still children themselves. They lack the experience, education and fully developed social skills needed to competently raise a child of their own. Emotional problems may be more prevalent for a child raised by immature parents who lack the skills to deal with them. It is simply a matter of a lack of experience in child rearing, rather than a lack of effort on the part of the teen parents.


Babies born to teen parents are at risk of being neglected or abused, according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Teen parents may start off believing they can handle the responsibilities of raising a child, but often may become overwhelmed by the demands it places on them. Guilt, frustration, anxiety and fear are all common emotions experienced by teenage parents. Teen mothers who become sidelined by clinical depression may find they are unable to perform the motherly duties required by an infant. In worst-case scenarios, this can lead to abusive actions when the teen parents are unable to cope.

Tags: teen parents, fully developed, health issues, lack experience, raising child