Friday, July 23, 2010

Display Product Information On Store Shelves

Product information on store shelves allows the customers to learn more about the product. It includes details like the price and quantity for the customer. It also provides stocking details and ordering data details for the store staff. Some shops also display selling and marketing features like organic products, healthy foods and locally produced goods. The main requirement for product information displays is that it must be clear, easy to read and should not spoil the overall look or look obstructive to the decor of the store.


1. Create a new document on the design software. The ideal size would be 2 inches wide by 3 inches high. However, you may adjust the tag size as per your display needs.

2. Select the color palette and decide the color that is required. Fill the tag background with the needed color and select the text color.

3. Insert details like the product name, price, quantity, product code and store inventory identification number onto the tag. Ensure the text is easy to read from a distance.

4. Place the card stock into the printer and follow the manufacturer directions from the user manual to print the tag. Select "Properties" and choose how many tags are required to be printed on one paper. Select "Print" and click on "OK" to print the tags on the cards.

5. Cut the printed tags individually using a paper cutter or sharp scissors.

6. Place the tags for each item under the shelf space where the product is kept. Fit the tags into the slots that are designed to hold them. Ensure that the edges do not obstruct the information on the tag.

7. Place additional information tags around the store that direct the customer to particular products that they may be looking for.

Tags: details like, easy read, price quantity