Thursday, April 15, 2010

Treating A Cold Sore With Vitamins


There are no cures for cold sores, but the symptoms can be treated with vitamins. Cold sores are contagious skin eruptions that usually occur around the mouth. The herpes simplex virus causes cold sores. Cold sores affect people in different ways. Some people get one outbreak during their lives, while others get frequent and multiple cold sores that require medical attention. While cold sores usually heal on their own, this can take seven to 10 days. Natural remedies like vitamins can accelerate the healing time and help alleviate symptoms.

Cold Sores Defined

A cold sore is a red, fluid-filled blister. These skin eruptions usually appear on the face, but some people get cold sores on their fingers. Cold sores can appear in the mouth or on the corneas, but mostly they are found around the lips, nose and chin. After exposure to the virus, the first cold sores appear about 20 days later. Before that, there may be pain or itching or burning in the area. Then a hard, small bump develops under the skin. When the cold sore forms it is a fluid-filled, painful blister. A cold sore lasts from a week to 10 days, at which point it breaks and the fluids pour out. A crust forms that eventually falls away, leaving the skin clear.

Vitamins A and B and Cold Sores

Vitamin A is well-known to treat skin problems. Retinol, a derivative of vitamin A, is used to treat acne and wrinkles. Taking this fat-soluble vitamin every day will help with skin renewal. But high doses of vitamin A can lead to toxicity, so don't take more than 25,000 IUs (international units) each day. Vitamin B complex can help to relax a person and reduce stress, a known trigger of cold sores.

Vitamins C and E and Cold Sores

In most cases, it is the immune system that determines how a person will react when exposed to the herpes virus. One way to reduce the chances of getting herpes simplex or to improve healing time is to boost up the immune system. Vitamin C is an excellent vitamin for fighting infections. In some cases, vitamin C helps to reduce the duration and number of cold sore outbreaks. According to Best Herpes Treatments, vitamin C "can activate white blood cells and promote interferon production, a natural antiviral agent." Take 1000 mg of vitamin C a day for best results. Vitamin E, applied topically to the skin, is known to help reduce scars and skin irritation. By applying natural (not synthetic) vitamin E oil to each cold sore, the pain and itching will be alleviated and may also speed up the healing. Both vitamins C and E are antioxidants that remove free radicals or toxins from the body that can damage cells.

Sources of Vitamins

Vitamins are recommended as a safe and natural way to treat, and in some cases prevent, a cold sore. It is best to get vitamins from the foods you eat, but taking supplements is a good way to get concentrated doses of the vitamins. Taking a multivitamin is a good way to get all the vitamins you need to treat cold sores.

Tags: cold sore, cold sores, cold sores, cold sores, healing time