Thursday, April 29, 2010

Boost And Increase Male Fertility

The process of increasing male fertility is not a complicated one, however, it can be a moderately difficult one as it requires sometimes drastic lifestyle changes. The following article details 10 ways to help boost male fertility, and when all are combined together can have very dramatic results.


1. The number one way to increase male fertility is to stop smoking if you currently are. Smoking cigarettes introduces toxic chemicals into the body and causes serious damage to the shape and mobility of sperm. It also causes sperm to clump together decreasing their effectiveness. Stopping smoking has shown dramatic results on it's own, causing former smokers sperm count to increase 50 - 800% between 5 and 15 months after quitting.

2. The second most common offender to male fertility is caffeine. Caffeine is in many everyday drinks and foods we eat. Coffee, energy drinks, soda, and chocolate all contain caffeine. However, caffeine has been shown to affect the DNA of sperm and decreasing their motility if it is consumed on a regular basis. If you consume any caffeine on a regular basis, stop doing so now.

3. Consuming many drugs, legal and otherwise, can have a negative effect on male fertility. Many blood pressure medications have been shown to decrease fertility. Also, illegal substances such as cocaine, marijuana, and heroine, and anabolic steroids have been linked to decreased fertility and/or abnormal sperm. It is important to avoid these drugs when trying to conceive.

4. Some occupations have been directly related to lower male fertility, including those that work with pesticides, cleaning chemicals, and other toxins. If you work at a job that involves working with chemicals, evaluate your options and what alternatives you may have concerning exposure to them.

5. Exercise has been shown to boost male fertility, however, activities such as biking and cycling have done the opposite. Due to the bicycle seat impacting the testicles in a negative way, sperm quality and quantity are lowered. Avoid activities where physical trauma can occur to the testicles to ensure higher fertility.

6. For much of the same reason listed above, sitting or driving for long periods has also shown to decrease male fertility. Avoid sitting for long periods, and if necessary, get up or out of the car and walk around for a few minutes to avoid damage to the sperm.

7. Diet is important to male fertility, but something to avoid when trying for a successful pregnancy is MSG. MSG has been shown to lower the success rates of impregnation in test subjects by 50% when it was consumed prior to testing. MSG is present in many potato chips, soups, and seasonings. Be sure and check the labels of any processed foods before buying or consuming them.

8. Avoid hot tubs, hot showers and baths, and saunas when trying to boost male fertility. Exposure to high temperatures causes severe damage to the sperm that must maintain a very regulated temperature to survive and be healthy.

9. If you have been sexually active and have not been recently checked for sexually transmitted diseases (STD's), do so now. STD's can have serious irreversible consequences with the male reproductive system in the long term and can interfere with fertility soon after acquiring them. Be safe and get checked.

10. The final tip here isn't something to avoid like the others above, but just the opposite. New recent studies have shown that having sex more often leads to higher quality sperm. This is likely due to the sperm not being subjected to environmental and physical harm in the testicles. This can lead to higher quality sperm in males in only a few days.

Tags: male fertility, have been, been shown, boost male, boost male fertility