Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Treat Dog Allergies With All Natural Vitamins

Dog allergies can manifest in many ways: ear infections, chewing on feet or other body parts, runny nose or eyes, general itchiness, hair loss and hot spots. It is difficult to predict what is causing these allergies, especially if it is an airborne mold or pollen. Often, it is a result of toxins built up in the body of an immune-weakened dog. Many veterinarians will prescribe steroids or antihistamines to alleviate symptoms, but the relief is often short-lived. Dog allergies can also be improved with a healthier diet and increased vitamins designed to reduce symptoms for the long term.


1. Increase the omega 3 fatty acids, important anti-inflammatory agents, in your dog's diet. An easy way to accomplish this is add a fish oil capsule, available at any grocery or health food store, to your dog's food.

2. Add vitamins A, C and E to your dog's diet. Antioxidants such as these remove free radicals and other toxins from the body, reducing the itchy symptoms. Switch your dog to a healthier food that adds more vitamins and minerals or add a multivitamin capsule to your dog's meals.

3. Add a small amount of licorice root to your dog's diet. Licorice stimulates natural production of anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and immune-supporting agents, which can provide relief from itchiness and inflammation.

4. Add digestive enzymes to your dog's diet, which will allow him to absorb more nutrients from his food. This promotes a healthier immune system with which to combate allergies. Digestive enzymes that aid canine food digestion are protease, which breaks proteins into amino acids; amylase, which reduces carbohydrates into a more digestible form; lipase, which digests fats into fatty acids; and cellulase, which breaks down fiber.

5. Bathe your dog with an oatmeal-based shampoo to soothe itchy skin. Using herbs topically is also an effective way to alleviate allergy symptoms. To make your own rinse, boil 1 pound of organic oat straw in 2 quarts of water and add to your dog's bath water.

Tags: your diet, fatty acids, which breaks