Strip Natural Cleanser is designed not to clean the bloodstream but rather to hold back drug residue when the user urinates. The cleansing strategy is for the user to drink it 2 hours prior to testing and urinate at least twice before the actual drug test. The third urination attempt is targeted to be the one clean enough for drug testing.
Targeted Use
This product is a cleansing drink that utilizes the supplement psyllerol and is designed to remove high levels of toxins quickly. When levels of toxins build up in the body, Strip Natural Cleanser can help eliminate them quickly, and because of this elimination process, it is also used as a method of "cleaning the blood" prior to a drug test. It is recommended that the user urinate a minimum of three to four times to fully experience the product's detoxification effect; additionally, it is recommended that the user not eat for at least 3 to 4 hours before using Strip Natural Cleanser.
Product Form
This product is available in both liquid and capsule forms. When the capsulated form is used, effectiveness is extended for up to 5 hours. The capsule is recommended to be taken 1 to 2 hours prior to the expected time of your drug test. The product works to effectively
Toxin Half-Life
The following is a review of how long certain toxins can stay in the system. This review is based on once a week or less exposure, with a low body fat type (less than 200 lb.) being subjected to a urinalysis. The evidence of alcohol is in the bloodstream for 24 hours. Single use of marijuana can be found in a period of 1 to 3 days. Habitual use of marijuana stays in the system for up to 14 days. A urinalysis will detect amphetamines and methamphetamines for 2 to 5 days. Cocaine can be detected 1 to 3 days after use. Codeine, morphine and heroin are detected in the urine 2 to 3
Passing Drug Tests
The best way to pass a drug test is abstinence. Barring that, a reliable detoxification product is one way to prepare the body for a