Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Shower Filter Ratings

Highly rated shower filters generally remove large percentages of chlorine.

Ratings for drinking water filtration systems are more plentiful than shower filter ratings. That's possibly because people are more concerned about consuming contaminated water. But contaminants can be absorbed through your skin as you shower. A hot shower also accelerates the release of fumes from chemicals in the water that you ultimately inhale. In any case, ratings and industry standards can help you judge a shower filter's performance.


Most filters remove a certain percentage of chlorine from shower water. Some scientists and environmentalists have drawn attention to the potentially harmful effects of chlorinated water. Chlorine acts as a disinfectant, but it also emits fumes during a hot shower. Critics of chlorinated water assert that it increases cancer risks, damages people's hair and ages the skin. Chlorine isn't classified for carcinogenic effects, according to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Still, the agency indicates cancer risks may increase for smokers who consistently inhale chlorine fumes.

Chlorine Removal

InspiredLiving.com sells shower filters, but the company also has tested and rated filters based on their effectiveness at removing chlorine. Using a digital chlorine testing kit, the company compared unfiltered shower water with chlorine levels of filtered samples from eight shower filters. The Sprite and Vitashower SF-1 Vitamin C shower filters were the only two the company found to be 99 percent effective at removing chlorine. The Crystal Quest Luxury Shower filter was among the least effective in the testing, reducing chlorine levels by just 19 percent.

Ratings Disparities

Some Aquasana affiliates display the "Consumers Digest" best-buy seal on their websites for the AQ-4100 shower filter. InspiredLiving.com notes the "Consumers Digest" rating, but the company's test results indicate the filter was just 36 percent effective at removing chlorine. The Aquasana company website indicates the AQ-4100 reduces chlorine by 91 percent. The filter works in two stages during a shower. It removes chlorine first, and then it removes other chemicals and compounds.

NSF Standards

Consider looking for an NSF International seal on any shower filter you choose. The organization sets minimum performance standards and certifications for various products. NSF-certified shower filters use Chlorgon with KDF filtration media. Chlorgon removes chlorine at a wider range of water temperatures than other filtration ingredients. KDF media inhibit mold and bacteria growth. All Sprite shower filters contain Chlorgon and KDF media.

Tags: shower filters, removing chlorine, shower filter, cancer risks, chlorinated water, chlorine levels