Monday, September 21, 2009

What Is Prenatal Care

Regular checkups and sonograms are the basis of prenatal care.

Prenatal care is the health care, education, counseling and resources provided for a mother and her unborn child during pregnancy. Prenatal care is critical to the health and safety of mother and baby. Making an appointment with your health care provider for prenatal care as soon as you know or even think you are pregnant is a top priority.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Almost four million American women give birth every year." One-third of these women develop some kind of pregnancy-related complication. Early prenatal care is the key to detecting and dealing with these pregnancy-related complications.


The purpose of prenatal care is to monitor the development, health and nutritional status of both the mother and the baby during the pregnancy. Important aspects include taking prenatal vitamins that include a daily intake of folic acid -- 400 micrograms -- to prevent brain and spinal cord birth defects. Other crucial parts of prenatal care include avoiding medications that may be harmful to the baby and avoiding X-rays, alcohol and smoking. The mother should also control her weight gain and get enough exercise and rest. A qualified health care provider can give guidance in these areas.

Time Frame

A schedule for your prenatal visits will be set up by your health care provider. Experts recommend the following schedule: one monthly visit for weeks four through 28; two visits per month at weeks 28 to 36; and weekly visits for weeks 36 through the birth of the baby. High-risk pregnancy patients, such as women 35 years and older, diabetics, and those with high blood pressure and other chronic diseases may be scheduled for more frequent prenatal visits.


The latest trend is not to wait until pregnancy starts before seeking prenatal care. Instead, the new approach is called preconception care, which involves improving your health prior to getting pregnant. This includes improving your health at least three months before a pregnancy by taking folic acid and getting your immunization vaccines up to date. You should also avoid smoking and alcohol, and make sure you exercise and eat a healthy diet.


Early prenatal care is the best thing you can do for yourself and your baby. Prenatal care reduces the risk of pregnancy-related complications and decreases premature births. Prenatal care also prepares the parents to do a better job of taking care of their baby on arrival and provides resources to support them in doing so. A healthy and well-prepared mother will have a better chance of producing a healthy baby and being a happy mother.

Tags: health care, your health, care provider, health care provider, prenatal care, during pregnancy, Early prenatal