Thursday, September 24, 2009

Foods That Stop Hair Loss

Foods That Stop Hair Loss

Hair loss can be hereditary or caused by health issues, environmental factors, a poor diet or a combination of all of these. A diet rich in specific foods can help you remedy your hair loss, if followed regularly. Consulting with a health professional will make you aware of any serious problems that could be causing sudden hair loss. You can also ask your doctor to prescribe certain vitamins and minerals that will aid you along with a good diet of foods that will reduce or prevent hair loss.


According to Paul Pitchford's "Healing with Whole Foods" and Janet Zand's, Allan N. Spreen's and James B. LaValle's "Smart Medicine for Healthier Living," a high-fat, high-salt diet damages kidneys, creating acidic blood, which leads to hair loss. A diet low in vitamins can also lead to hair loss caused by vitamin deficiency. Hormonal imbalance caused by pregnancy, menopause or birth control pills is also a leading cause of hair loss in women.


A diet rich in iron, calcium and silica can help greatly in reducing or preventing hair loss. Iron can be obtained from green leafy vegetables such as spinach and collard greens. Oatmeal and raw oats contain a considerable amount of silica. Potato skin, green and red peppers, cucumbers and bean sprouts are all rich sources of silica too.

Dairy Products

Milk and other dairy products are rich sources of calcium and vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, so it is important that you consume it along with calcium-rich foods. Since hair is made up mostly of protein, it is necessary that protein-rich foods are supplied to the body to keep the hair healthy. Calcium- and protein-rich foods include yogurt, cheese, tofu, eggs and soy milk.

Fish and Nuts

Protein-rich foods such as fish, and iron-rich foods such as dates, raisins and liver, all help strengthen the hair shaft, which leads to less hair loss. Vitamin C enables good absorption of iron, and citrus fruits are the best sources of this vitamin. Vitamin E has several positive effects on the skin and hair. Consuming avocado, nuts and olive oil provides a fair amount of vitamin E to your body.

Other foods

If your hair loss is due to hormonal dysfunction, foods rich in vitamins can help set that right. Vitamin A-rich foods such as mangoes, carrots and other yellow-colored foods can be a rich source of this important vitamin. However, too much intake of vitamin A can cause hair loss too, so be careful to not overdo it.

Chickpeas are also said to work miracles in reducing hair loss, since they contain zinc and vitamins A and B6. Soybeans also contain valuable minerals that can aid in growing healthy hair.

Tags: hair loss, foods such, hair loss, along with, cause hair, cause hair loss, diet rich