Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Feed Oranges To Goldfish

Goldfish are omnivores.

According to Marquette University, vitamin C is one of the most important things that should be included in your goldfish's diet. This essential vitamin will keep their immunity high, allow them to fight disease, and will promote healthy growth and development. A goldfish's defense to bacteria is its skin and mucus, and these two barriers need vitamin C to function properly. Monitoring your goldfish's omnivorous diet and including foods like oranges that are packed with vitamin C will help them stay healthy.


1. Wash your hands before touching the orange to be sure you don't transfer any illness or oil onto the fruit. Wash the orange off thoroughly before peeling. Although your oranges skin isn't as permeable as other fruits or vegetables, there is still a chance that it could have pesticides or bacteria in the rind.

2. Peel the orange thoroughly and dispose of the peels right away, or set aside in a bowl. You don't want your skinless orange to touch any of the exterior peel. Also remove the central column, which is the white part going through the middle of the orange.

3. Take your peeling knife and gently press into the orange. Peel around the fruit until you are able to remove all of the skin. Be sure to remove as much as possible, especially thick skin that will be hard for your goldfish to digest.

4. Divide the orange into slices. Cut the slices into quarters that will be easier for your goldfish to eat and digest. If you are introducing oranges to your goldfish for the first time, cut the pieces into sixths.

5. Place one quarter of the orange into your goldfish tank every day, or every other day, with their other recommended foods or pellets. The rest of the orange pieces should go into a bag or plastic container for storage in the refrigerator.

Tags: your goldfish, goldfish digest, orange into, orange thoroughly, that will, vitamin will