Thursday, August 23, 2012

Foods To Enhance Sexual Performance

Since before the time that Cleopatra allegedly offered oysters to Mark Antony in order to enhance their love making, human beings have been looking for aphrodisiacs---almost magical potions that will increase sexual desire and, most important, improve a man's sexual performance. Of course, men also desire substances that will increase the level of desire and performance in women as well. The question is, do any such aphrodisiacs actually exist? If not, are there any foods capable of improving performance and desire?

False Aphrodisiacs

For years, various substances have been offered to the public as aphrodisiacs. Scientific evidence, however, indicates that there really is no single magic formula that will suddenly stimulate sexual desire and improve performance. Some substances, such as the Spanish fly, long sold as an aphrodisiac, can be outright dangerous to one's health. Alcohol, on the other hand, does not enhance desire or performance as some claim; instead, it temporarily lowers inhibitions. Further, it can actually work against ones desire for better sexual performance in the long run, especially if overused.

Super Food?

In recent years, much information has come to light concerning the nutritional benefits derived from eating blueberries, as these tiny fruits are packed with vitamin C and and other antioxidants. Some nutritionists now refer to these berries as a sexual super food due to their being filled with soluble fiber that helps to move large quantities of cholesterol through the digestive system before it finds its way into the arteries. Further, blueberries contain compounds that help relax blood vessels and, therefore, improve circulation---an essential for good sexual health.


L-Arginine is a common amino acid and protein that goes a long way toward supporting sexual health through its ability to promote high sperm counts. While supporting health in general, it can be found in supplement form, but is already common in many foods such as peanuts, walnuts and cashews. Both sunflower-seed kernels and flax seeds are great sources of this amino acid, as are various vegetables, which include garlic, onions, spinach and kale. Finally, animal products high in this protein include tuna, Atlantic salmon, shrimp and chicken.

As good circulation supports the sexual health of both men and women, ginger and chili pepper come highly recommended. As an extra bonus, these stimulate nerve endings, thus leading to a more pleasurable experience.

Boosting Testosterone

It goes without saying that healthy testosterone levels increase stamina and, therefore, performance in people of both genders. Further, healthy levels of this hormone serve to increase sexual desire. There are various foods and natural agents that can safely improve testosterone levels in middle age and beyond. Vitamin F, otherwise known as the essential fatty acids, is found in various cold water fish and their oils as well as green vegetables, some vegetable oils, nuts and seeds. These necessary nutrients both promote good health and support healthy hormonal levels. Ginseng and tribulus terrestris extract are also considered safe and are recommended in this regard.


It is often said that the brain is the best aphrodisiac. Still, if the mind is willing, a healthy body is required, and there are some commonly used products that, if used to excess, can undermine one's desire to improve sexual performance. Both alcohol and caffeine, while lowering inhibitions or improving alertness temporarily, fall into this category. Nicotine from cigarettes restricts blood vessels and will thwart any effort to improve blood circulation. In terms of sexual performance, cigarettes are not your friend.

Tags: sexual desire, sexual health, that will, amino acid, blood vessels, desire improve, desire performance