Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Different Types Of Prenatal Vitamins

Different Types of Prenatal Vitamins

Prenatal vitamin supplement are designed to provide a specific combination of vitamins and minerals to meet the needs of a woman's changing body prior to, during and after pregnancy, and for mothers who are breastfeeding. A wide variety of types of prenatal vitamins are on the market. Some are available over the counter while others require a prescription. Because the wrong kind of supplement may actually harm your baby, you should always consult your health care provider before starting any new supplement regimen.


Studies reported by the National Institutes of Health indicate that most women who are pregnant or may become pregnant need to supplement their intake of folic acid, a nutrient necessary for the prevention of spina bifida. Additional calcium and iron may also benefit pregnant women, although both of these minerals may contribute to constipation. Other supplements are not necessary unless recommended by your health care provider.


Women who have difficulty swallowing traditional pills or capsules may find chewable prenatal vitamins to be a satisfactory alternative.


Some studies indicate the liquid forms of certain nutrients such as vitamin C, iron and folic acid may be more easily absorbed into your system. Liquid prenatal vitamins may be taken by direct dose or mixed with your favorite drink, making it easier to tolerate.


Traditional tablets, capsules and caplets are still the most popular form of prenatal vitamins.


Some supplements marketed as natural prenatals may be classified as a food product and thus are not subject to oversight by such agencies as the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your health care provider about the benefits or dangers of these supplements.

Tags: prenatal vitamins, care provider, health care, health care provider, your health