Friday, April 27, 2012

Benefit From Bikram Yoga

Yoga has been compared to an onion. As you develop a consistent practice, the layers of benefits slowly peel away and reveal themselves to you. Follow these steps to start peeling your onion with Bikram yoga.


Turn the Benefits Into Goals

1. Increase your flexibility. Bikram yoga stretches and strengthens muscles, encouraging elongation and muscle tone.

2. Calm your mind. Yoga is meditative movement combined with the release of the thought and attachment.

3. Cleanse your body. Yoga asanas or poses, were developed in India thousands of years ago by yogis in search of ways to prevent illness, benefit health and increase digestion and elimination.

4. Attain a healthy glow. The careful breath used in Bikram yoga is thought to be responsible for the beautiful glow on students' skin. As you lengthen and deepen your breathing, bloodflow increases and nutrients are released into the bloodstream causing a rosy glow.

5. Protect your health. Yoga is thought to fight the aging process, which includes vulnerability to injury as we become older. Bikram yoga works to protect the back and spine particularly and emphasizes equal balance in the tissues, muscles and bones of the body.

6. Develop your intuition. Because of the emphasis placed on achieving quiet within the mind, Bikram yoga can put you in touch with your true, inner nature.

Visit a Bikram Yoga Class

7. Look for classes described as hot yoga. This is a synonym for Bikram because all Bikram classes are heated to 105 degrees F and 50 percent humidity.

8. Prepare for class. Wear light, minimal clothing and bring water, towels and a sweat band for your head.

9. Tell the teacher you are a new student. Typically, the teachers will ask students if they are new, but in case they don't, be sure to advise them so they can give you proper guidance.

10. Take it easy. Don't ever force postures or try to simulate the abilities of the people around you. In yoga, it is important to listen to your body so that you don't hurt yourself.

Tags: Bikram yoga, Bikram Yoga, your body