Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Increase Collagen

Collagen is a very important protein that is used to increase the strength and elasticity of your skin and hair. When you are young, your collagen levels can be extremely high, which results in your having a youthful look to your skin. However, as you get older, your collagen level will naturally begin to decrease. As your collagen levels decrease, it can result in unwanted lines and wrinkles on your skin. There are still some preventive measures out there that you can take to increase collagen levels despite aging.


1. Eat foods that are rich in Vitamins A, C and E. Foods such as oranges, strawberries, broccoli and tomatoes are just a few that are rich in Vitamin C. Cereals, nuts, spinach and beets are a few foods that are rich in Vitamin E. Liver, eggs, and dark green leafy vegetables are a few excellent sources for Vitamin A.

2. Take Vitamin A, C, and E pills to supplement your diet. Over-the-counter vitamins such as Centrum allow you to get a dosage of all three vitamins in one pill.

3. Apply topical skin creams and lotions that are rich in Vitamins A, C & E. St' Ives and Clinique are just two of the companies that provide these types of skin creams and lotions.

4. Limit your exposure to harmful ultra violet rays. The ultra violet rays can damage your collagen fibers, thereby limiting an increase in new collagen growth.

5. Consider getting laser collagen treatments if you need further assistance with increasing your collagen growth. If you decide to take the laser treatment route, you will have to take a series of treatments in order to see results. (See the Resources section to locate a plastic surgeon in your area.)

Tags: your collagen, that rich, collagen levels, your skin, collagen growth