How Does Red Bull Give Energy?
Red Bull stimulates the metabolism to aid in concentration and performance, and is said to help with endurance and reaction speed. Ingredients include B-vitamins, B6 and B-12 to help relieve stress, especially helpful to women experiencing PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Red Bull contains taurine, which is broadly classified as an amino acid that aids in tissue repair and is essential for the development of the nervous system. Meat and fish, especially, contain taurine in its natural form, which is also an anti-inflammatory agent.
Carbohydrate and Sugar Content
High levels of caffeine, which give a false sense of energy to the consumer, are contained in Red Bull. The combination of caffeine, carbohydrates and sugars provide the energy in Red Bull energy drink. Caution should be taken when consuming large amounts of caffeine as too much of a good thing is not necessarily better. France banned Red Bull after the death of a young Irish athlete on drinking four cans of Red Bull energy drink and then participating in a basketball game. Denmark also banned Red Bull. Sold in the UK, Red Bull contains a warning aimed at pregnant women.
Tags: Bull energy, Bull energy drink, energy drink, 8-ounce serving, banned Bull, Bull contains, Bull Give