Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Side Effects Of Eltroxin

The American Medical Womens Association reports that over 11 million Americans suffer from hypothyroidism, a condition where your thyroid does not produce enough of the hormones necessary for your body to function properly. Left untreated, hypothyroidism often leads to heart problems, severe depression and infertility. Fortunately, there are a number of prescription medications available to alleviate the symptoms and effects of hypothyroidism. In Canada, the United Kingdom and other European countries, Eltroxin, or levothyroxine, is one such medication. Despite its effectiveness, Eltroxin is not for everyone as it presents side effects and complications in some patients.

High Dosages

When taking Eltroxin, it is important that your dosage be specifically tailored to you because excesses or deficiencies in the amount of medicine frequently cause side effects. In fact, the most common side effects of Eltroxin are those that result from dosages that are too high. Many patients receiving too much Eltroxin report cardiovascular side effects, such as chest pain, abnormal heart rhythm, palpitations and a racing heart rate. Neurological and psychological side effects are also possible in such situations, including confusion, mood swings, shaking and restlessness. It is also possible to experience muscle weakness, yellowing of your eyes or skin and shortness of breath from taking too much Eltroxin.

Low Dosages

Though more rare, it is also possible to experience side effects caused by dosages of Eltroxin that are too low to meet your needs. In such cases, it is common to feel clumsy, listless, tired or weak. Low dosages also cause patients to frequently feel cold or to gain weight. If your dosage is not adequate, you are likely to experience muscle aches, dryness or puffiness of your skin and constipation while taking Eltroxin.


Even if your dosage level is perfectly suited to the functioning of your thyroid, it is possible to experience side effects caused by a sensitivity to the ingredients in Eltroxin. In such cases, gastrointestinal side effects are common, such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Some patients also report itching, hives, flushing and the appearance of red skin welts while taking Eltroxin. More serious side effects of a sensitivity or allergy to the drug include wheezing, swelling of your face or extremities and joint pain.

Drug Interactions

There are some medications that produce unwanted side effects when used in conjunction with Eltroxin. For example, antacids, calcium supplements, antibiotics like ciprofloxacin and iron supplements combined with Eltroxin all may produce side effects similar to those experienced with low dosages. When combined with blood thinners like warfarin, Eltroxin increases your risk of experiencing uncontrollable bleeding during surgery or following an injury.


If you are pregnant and taking Eltroxin, your doctor will most likely perform routine blood tests to ensure that your hormone levels are within safe levels for your developing baby. Doctors typically do not prescribe Eltroxin for patients with a history of diabetes, heart disease or impaired functioning of the adrenal or pituitary glands due to its possible side effects. Additionally, Eltroxin is given to patients over the age of 65 only with close medical supervision.

Tags: side effects, taking Eltroxin, also possible, possible experience, side effects, your dosage