Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Benefits Of Vitamin C With Rose Hips For The Skin Tone

Rose Hips are Rich in Vitamin C.

Rose hips are the berry-like fruit that is left over after a rose dies. Vitamin C can be found in many natural substances such as citrus fruits, as well as rose hips. Together, these two powerful, but natural ingredients are beneficial for the skin tone and can be found in many different beauty products such as face washes, lotions and serums.

Anti-Aging Benefits

Vitamin C is an essential component in the body's production of collagen, according to Vitamin C taken orally does not make it to the skin in large enough quantities to make any difference in the fight against aging. However, vitamin C with rose hips applied directly to the skin can help increase collagen and aid in restoring elasticity to the skin.

Fight Free Radicals

The potent antioxidant power of vitamin C combined with rose hips is a powerful fighter of free radicals. Free radicals, a buzz word that you may have read about recently, are caused by exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. If your skin has seen too much sun and has sun damage in the form of sun spots and dryness, products with vitamin C and rose hips can combat those free radicals, reversing the signs of sun damage.


Vitamin C with rose hips is known for its hydrating qualities. The rose hips help to maintain a moisturized skin tone without an oily or greasy feeling. Applied topically, the rose hip with vitamin C helps hydrate skin with fatty acids. An immediate difference in appearance and feel of the skin tone will be noticed.

Tags: rose hips, rose hips, Benefits Vitamin, found many, free radicals, skin tone