Monday, January 10, 2011

Take Clomid For Conception

Conception can be a tricky thing. Some people are able to conceive a child quickly, without any trouble at all. Other couples have a harder time and turn to infertility treatments to try to have a baby. Clomiphene citrate, also called clomid, is a drug women can take to induce ovulation. Clomid also normalizes hormone levels that are crucial to conception.


Jump-Start Your Reproductive System With Clomid

1. Schedule a full examination with your ob/gyn doctor after several months of trying to have a baby. He will do some tests to see whether you are ovulating and have appropriate hormone levels. He may test your partner's semen to determine whether the sperm count is at a normal level and the sperm are functioning properly.

2. Fill your prescription before your next menstrual cycle starts so you will be ready to start taking it on the specified day. Clomid is usually taken for five days, starting on the third or fifth day of your cycle.

3. Mark your calender with "day 1" on the day your period starts. This will make it easy to know when to start taking the clomid and will help you determine your conception and due dates if you become pregnant during this cycle.

4. Follow your doctor's instructions for your dosage of clomid. Most women start off with 50 mg per day. Jot down on your calendar which days you are taking the drug.

5. Wait patiently for a few days after taking clomid. The medication is starting to adjust hormone levels in an attempt to make you ovulate around day 14 of your cycle.

6. Start to use an ovulation predictor kit around day 11 or 12 of your cycle. Similar to a pregnancy test, this test will show a spike in the LH hormone right before ovulation occurs.

7. Have intercourse with your partner when you get the "green light" from the ovulation predictor kit. Keep at it for the next few days for the best odds of hitting the narrow window of conception.

8. Keep your mind off baby-making for the next 2 weeks by going to movies, immersing yourself in a hobby or getting together with friends.

9. Take a pregnancy test if your period has not arrived when it is due. If you do get your period, call your doctor and see what she suggests for the next step toward conception.

Tags: hormone levels, with your, your cycle, your doctor, your period, around your, around your cycle