Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Take Away Acne Scars

Acne scars are caused by the picking and poking of acne blemishes, which causes areas of damage on the surface of the skin. These embarrassing discolored areas can last for months after the acne has disappeared. Fortunately, there are a few ways that you can lighten and remove acne scarring and discoloration using household products.


1. Exfoliate the skin with baking soda. Baking soda is a highly alkaline substance that will lift off dead skin cells quickly and effectively without a lot of hard scrubbing. When dead skin cells are removed, skin discolorations and scarring are reduced and eliminated quickly. Simply add 1 tsp. of water to 1 tbsp. of baking soda, and mix well. A paste will form which you will massage gently onto moistened skin for 20 seconds. After the skin has been adequately exfoliated, rinse well with water. You can use a baking soda scrub once a day to help remove acne scarring.

2. Tone the skin with lemon juice. Lemon juice contains high levels of Vitamin C, which act as a skin rejuvenator and promote new skin cell turnover. This will allow the skin to produce new skin cells more rapidly, aiding in creating a balanced, evenly toned complexion. Lemon juice can lighten the skin and will also help remove dead skin cells. To use lemon juice as a toner for acne scarring, pour concentrated lemon juice into a clean spray bottle, which is available at any supermarket. Spray the lemon juice onto the skin after the face has been washed. Let the lemon juice dry onto the skin. You can use lemon juice on the skin up to three times a day to treat scarring and discolorations.

3. Treat the skin with Vitamin E oil. Vitamin E oil is extremely emollient and highly nutritive, and will soften the skin and help the skin slough off discolorations. To apply Vitamin E oil, pour a few drops of oil onto the hands and slowly massage the scarred areas with the Vitamin E oil for two to three minutes. Use circular motions, and try to apply deep pressure in the areas of greatest discoloration. After the time allotted has passed, wipe away excess oil with a soft washcloth. Vitamin E oil can be massaged into the skin up to three times a day to help the skin become softened with a balanced skin tone.

Tags: lemon juice, skin cells, acne scarring, baking soda, dead skin