Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Vitamins That Are Good For Skin Repair

Vitamins are essential to the overall health and vitality of our bodies. We need them to maintain functioning organs and to repair and strengthen damaged cells. Our skin is part of this process, and there are certain vitamins that are particularly helpful at repairing damaged skin.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has a reputation for having a multitude of benefits for the skin. Many creams and lotions contain vitamin E, and they can be taken internally as a supplement. Skin that has been damaged by sun exposure will benefit from this vitamin, as it can help reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. It can also help decrease the risk of some skin cancers such as basal cell carcinoma, the most common type. Some of the best food sources that contain vitamin E are avocados, herring, spinach, almonds, apricots and fortified cereals.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is mostly known for its ability to protect the health of our eyes, however, it is essential for skin repair and protection. It helps strengthen the protective tissue of our skin and decreases the production of sebum. This is beneficial since an excessive production of sebum in our skin can cause acne. This antioxidant, like vitamin E, also helps prevent skin cancers. Eggs, chicken, oranges, tomatoes, milk and broccoli are excellent sources of vitamin A. This can also be taken as a daily supplement or used topically with creams that contain vitamin A.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C will not only aid in skin repair, but it will also help prevent damage. It will fight free radicals in the body which damage collagen and elastin produced by our bodies. These keep skin firm and prevent it from loosening. Vitamin C actually helps stimulate the production of collagen and helps prevent environmental damage to skin from air pollution and sun exposure. Many topical creams contain vitamin C, but citrus fruits and raw vegetables are food sources rich with this vitamin.

B Vitamins

Many B vitamins such as B5 and biotin are especially helpful for skin repair. B5 helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It helps even skin tone and enhance moisture for smoother skin. Biotin also helps skin retain its moisture and prevents itchy, dry skin. Most creams and lotions designed to help skin repair will have some B vitamins in them. Foods that contain vitamin B are bananas, lentils, turkey, tuna and potatoes.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is particularly useful at combating under-eye puffiness, dark circles and bruises anywhere on the skin. These skin issues are due to an excess of blood in the capillaries under the skin. Vitamin K is useful because it helps absorb this blood, creating a more even skin tone. Spinach, onions, cabbage, plums and celery are healthy sources of vitamin K.

Tags: contain vitamin, skin repair, that contain, that contain vitamin, Vitamin Vitamin, also help, also helps