Monday, November 19, 2012

Naturally Produce More Male Testosterone

Testosterone is a naturally occurring hormone that the body uses to regulate organ function and repair damaged cells. The body also uses testosterone to build muscle and mass. Many body builders seek out ways to increase their levels of this hormone to promote larger muscles and increase workout results. There are many ways to naturally increase your testosterone levels. Increasing your testosterone naturally and avoiding dangerous unnatural methods will ensure your safety and well-being.


1. Start an exercise routine mainly comprised of weight lifting. Clinical studies have proven that working out increases the amount of testosterone the body creates. Limit yourself to two to three weight lifting sessions per week. Working out every day will create stress on your muscles and quickly burn you out. Also be sure to limit the amount of aerobics you do. Performing aerobics has been shown to exhaust the body and in turn decrease the amount of testosterone your body creates.

2. Consume foods that naturally increase testosterone. Foods high in vitamin B such as avocados and bananas, help increase and regulate testosterone production. Also eat plenty of foods that contain essential oils and omega fatty acids. Such foods include salmon, peanuts, and olive oil. These foods contain oils that provide your body with the fats needed to produce testosterone. Avoid excessive amounts of protein, as a protein overload can actually decrease the amount of testosterone your body produces.

3. Get plenty of sleep at night. A 2007 study at the University of Chicago published in the journal SLEEP, showed that getting seven to eight hours of sleep at night helps the body increase amounts of testosterone. It has also been reported that lack of sleep and oversleeping can decrease the amount of the testosterone hormone the body produces.

4. Purchase herbal supplements that have been proven to increase testosterone. Examples of a few such herbs include horny goat weed, ginseng, and sarsaparilla. These herbs can be found at most drug stores and health food stores. Take as directed by the dosing instructions label on the bottle.

5. Buy a bottle of zinc supplements from your local vitamin store or supermarket. Zinc is a natural mineral that the body needs to turn estrogen into testosterone. It also prevents testosterone from being converted into estrogen. Apart from supplements, zinc can be found naturally in foods such as yogurt, cottage cheese and beans.

6. Decrease or eliminate the amount of alcohol you drink. Alcohol negatively affects the endocrine system and can halt production of testosterone from the testicles. Drinking less alcohol will help maintain a steady production of the hormone.

Tags: amount testosterone, decrease amount, decrease amount testosterone, your body, amount testosterone your