Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Explain Vitamins To Children

Explaining what a vitamin is to children can be difficult, as it is a somewhat abstract concept for them to grasp. As with all young children, the best way to introduce a concept or idea is to use interesting and colorful visuals (e.g., picture, clay model, toy). By using these props, your child will be able to ask appropriate questions and relate the idea of vitamins to things he already understands, like why apples are a better snack than a candy bar. Perhaps the most important thing to remember is to make your explanation fun.


1. Take your marbles, jelly beans or beads and group them according to color. Using a small piece of cardstock (index-card size), write down what vitamin this grouping represents. Also write down what the benefits of that particular vitamin are, using simple terms (e.g., vitamin D helps build strong bones). Place each card in front of its respective grouping. Go through each one with your child and explain to her how each vitamin helps keep our bodies healthy.

2. Take the food that you've assembled and place it next to its corresponding vitamin card. For example, the carrots would be in front of the vitamin A card. This will provide a direct relationship between the food and vitamin that your child will be able to see. Explain to him that when we eat things like carrots, our bodies are getting the necessary vitamin A we need to help keep our eyes sharp and healthy. Choosing foods that your child likes will make it easier for him to understand these concepts. However, it isn't a bad idea to pick things that your child is usually unwilling to try, like spinach. Perhaps knowing how good it is for him and the vitamins he receives from it will encourage him to try new things.

3. Using the dry-erase board, draw a food pyramid. Cut out small 1-inch by 1-inch squares of cardboard. Mark each one with a vitamin. Make at least two for each vitamin. With your child, try to fill in the slots with the correct food groupings. Then ask your child to help match each slot with the appropriate vitamin. Tape the vitamin to the board. Continue until all of the vitamins are used. You can also talk about the other types of foods she eats that might not be represented here and the vitamins they contain.

Tags: your child, that your, that your child, child will, child will able, down what, each vitamin