Tuesday, September 25, 2012

List Of Food Rich In Minerals

Beans are a good source of minerals.

Minerals are elements found in food that cannot be produced by living organisms. They are found in soil and are absorbed by plants, thus mineral-rich foods are often those that come from plants. Seafood, however, also contains minerals because the waters that fish and shellfish live in have a naturally high mineral content.


In the United States, milk and other dairy products provide 75 percent of the calcium the human body needs. Calcium is an essential mineral for the body as it replaces the calcium naturally broken down through wear and the natural aging process, adds strength to bones, and helps regulate a person's metabolism. The rich amounts of calcium within milk are highly absorbable, and an 8-oz. serving of this dairy product contains 800 mg of this important mineral. Other essential minerals found within milk also include choline, phosphorus, and iodine.


For the most part, all varieties of nuts available for consumption are rich in minerals. Nuts contain choline, magnesium, manganese, copper, molybdenum, selenium, and sodium. Some nuts can have up to 629 mcg of copper in a 1-oz. serving, which is important because this mineral aids in the body's metabolism of iron, and helps form new red blood cells. Salted nuts will contain sodium, which helps regulate blood pressure and fluid within the body.


Seafood contains a lot of nutrients because the waters they live in naturally acquire nutrients from the sand within it. Within seafood, you can find iodine, iron, selenium, zinc, and copper. Fish can have up to 99 mcg of iodine in every 3-oz. serving. Iodine is an essential mineral for the body because it helps regulate a person's metabolism and can affect his weight. Oysters are great for those also needing more iron in their diet as six oysters can contain up to 5 mg of this mineral.


Beans are healthy and are one of the most mineral-dense foods. In addition to containing iron, beans also are naturally fortified with magnesium, manganese and potassium. Vegetarians often eat beans as they can contain up to 2 mg of iron in them for every ½-cup serving, which assists with the body's production of red blood cells and enzymes. The same serving of beans will also contain up to 485 mg of potassium that will complement any sodium added to them by helping in the regulation of the body's fluids and maintaining heart health.

Tags: helps regulate, because waters, blood cells, essential mineral, essential mineral body