Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How Does Biotin Make Your Hair Grow Faster

Biotin and Baldness

Biotin is one of several B-vitamins that perform essential roles in metabolism. A deficiency in biotin can lead to dry skin, hair loss and baldness. Since the deficiency is associated with hair loss and correcting it can restore hair growth, it is assumed that biotin itself can increase the growth of hair. Unfortunately, there is no data to support that increasing biotin in someone with normal biotin levels will regrow hair or grow hair faster.

Dietary Interactions

One of the natural ways people can induce a biotin deficiency is by eating egg whites without the yolk. The yolk contains biotin and the whites contain a protein that binds biotin (avidin). When you eat egg whites alone, you increase the risk of biotin deficiency by the avidin-biotin interaction that reduces biotin uptake in the gut.

Enzyme Activity

In addition to dietary causes, some individual bodies are unable to absorb and metabolize biotin properly. This genetic disorder, biotinidase deficiency, can lead to biotin deficiency and associated symptoms. Certain medications, such as anti-seizure drugs, can also inhibit this enzyme and cause dry skin and loss of hair.


Dietary interactions and biotinidase deficiency do not account for the majority of hair-loss cases. However, correction of these conditions by taking additional biotin is rather simple. Biotin supplements are available over the counter at health and drug stores. Take 500mg to 1,000mg daily.This allows your body to have biotin available for regulating metabolism and hair growth, even if there are minor problems in uptake or biotin use.


Taking additional biotin even when you are not biotin-deficient does not carry any health risk. Biotin supplementation can correct a biotin deficiency, if it exists, and thereby prevent additional hair loss and can lead to increased and faster hair growth. If you do see a dramatic response, suspect a drug interaction or want to confirm a suspected biotin deficiency, it is best to see your health care provider for a simple blood or urine analysis.

Tags: biotin deficiency, hair growth, hair loss, additional biotin, biotinidase deficiency