Friday, May 6, 2011

Diy 5 Hour Energy Drink

Make your own energy drink at home.

The 5-Hour Energy drink is a popular substitute to coffee. However, some people question the excessively high vitamin B content contained in the store-bought version (8,333% vitamin B12 and 2,000% vitamin B6) and its effects on health. Although the company promises it won't do any harm to you, you can play it safe and make your own five-hour energy drink instead.


1. Chop the banana into small chunks with a kitchen knife. Bananas contain a healthy amount of vitamin B.

2. Put all the ingredients into a blender except for the bee pollen. Put the lid on the appliance and blend until smooth. The egg yolk is optional --- the yolk can improve your mental acuity because it contains lecithin. However, be aware that if you eat raw eggs, even free-range eggs, you risk contracting salmonella.

3. Add the bee pollen powder to the mixture. Stir it in with a spoon until it's dissolved. Drink.

Tags: energy drink