Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dry Brush Your Skin

Simply adding lotion to dry skin isn't nearly as effective as dry brushing-which gets to the root of the problem. Many detox centers and spas suggest dry brushing your skin while juice fasting and cleansing because it rids your body of toxins, increases circulation and best of all-leaves you with silky smooth skin. Here are some tips for dry brushing.


1. Using upward strokes towards the heart, brush your entire body from your feet to your neck. Do this on completely dry skin. Brush anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes-the longer you do it, the better.

2. Ideally, a sauna is an excellent place to go after dry brushing-you've now opened your pores and will easily sweat out your toxins. I prefer to take warm epsom salt baths, as they continue to help draw out the toxins as well (also great to do when you're sick).

3. I put lotion on because I have very dry skin, but skin care specialists would prefer that you use nothing or a natural almond or nut oil from the health food store.
