Monday, May 10, 2010

Cleanup After A Tattoo

Whether you are considering your first tattoo or are an inspiring tattoo artist, cleanliness is possibly the most important aspect of the process. Because tattoos bleed slightly, and there is a potential of infection after receiving them, you should take special consideration regarding cleanup of both the shop itself and the tattoo.


1. Dilute one part rubbing alcohol to ten parts distilled water and keep a spray bottle of the solution near the tattoo station for cleanup. Once the tattoo is completed, spray a light layer of the alcohol and water mixture on the tattoo and gently pat dry with a paper towel.

2. Apply a light layer of vitamin A and D ointment to the fresh tattoo while wearing fresh, clean gloves. Vitamin A and D ointment, when used sparingly so that the tattoo can still breath, will promote healing and prevent cracking which can damage the color. Ointments should never be rubbed into a tattoo, but rather gently dabbed. You should also avoid any type of cream or ointment that contains perfumes or harsh chemicals.

3. Cut a small piece of plastic wrap slightly larger than the tattoo. Cover the tattoo with the plastic wrap and secure it to the skin, using medical tape. A plastic wrap cover should be kept on fresh tattoos for a few hours to prevent infection. Once all signs of bleeding have disappeared, the plastic wrap cover can be safely removed.

4. Throw away all used inks after finishing the tattoo. Destroy any needles and dispose of them in an approved biohazard or sharps container. Spray down your entire work station with 100-percent rubbing alcohol and wipe up with a clean paper towel. Once everything has been cleaned, spray another light mist of rubbing alcohol and allow it to evaporate.

Tags: plastic wrap, rubbing alcohol, light layer, paper towel, plastic wrap cover