Thursday, January 31, 2013

Meals For Boosting Libido

Eat your way to a higher libido with mood-enhancing meals.

If you're struggling with a low libido, head to the nearest grocery store. A dip in sex drive is often related to an imbalance of certain nutrients and chemicals in your body. Although some folks might seek a cure in expensive medicines or alternative therapies, certain foods have a natural impact on these nutrients. Whip up meals with aphrodisiac-inspired ingredients, and see if there's a change in your sexual appetite.

Fish with Asparagus and Brown Rice

Fish such as wild salmon, mackerel and herring contain zinc, omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins, essential nutrients for improving circulation and producing sex hormones estrogen and testosterone. Pair the fish with asparagus, a vegetable containing folate, vitamin E and protodioscin. While folate produces histamines, necessary for both men and women to achieve orgasm, vitamin E and protodioscin stimulate the production of sex hormones and boost arousal. Serve the fish and asparagus over a bed of brown rice, which contains zinc and protein as well as selenium, an ingredient that promotes healthy ova and sperm for optimal sexual performance.

Egg Omelet with Spinach, Tomatoes and Basil

Eggs contain B vitamins, which reduce stress and balance hormone levels, as well as vitamin A, which stimulates sex hormones and nourishes female reproductive organs. Mix the eggs with spinach, as this vegetable contains vitamin E and zinc in addition to manganese, a stimulant of sex hormone oestrogen. Add sweet basil, known for relaxing muscles while improving circulation --- and erectile response. Add tomatoes, which contain lycopene essential to prostate health and sperm virility, as well as vitamin C, a nutrient critical to production of androgen, progesterone and estrogen. Tomatoes also contain nitric oxide, a chemical causing heightened sexual sensitivity.

Oatmeal with Bananas, Cinnamon and Walnuts

Oatmeal is a good choice for a libido-boosting breakfast. Not only does this super food increase energy with complex carbohydrates, oats naturally help regulate sex hormone levels and aid in testosterone production. Oats are also a great source of L-arginine, which improves erectile response in men. Top your oatmeal with a sliced banana. This fruit, packed with B vitamins, also contains bromelain, postassium and riboflavin, which aid in testosterone production and improve energy level and mood. Walnuts complement this meal, boasting optimal doses of libido-boosting L-arginine, fatty acids, zinc, selenium and vitamin E.

Turkey and Avocado on Whole-Wheat Bread with Curry Mayo

For this sandwich, use whole-wheat bread because whole grains contain optimal levels of protein and manganese for energy and oestrogen production. Top with turkey, a lean meat rich in zinc and arginine. Add sliced avocado, an energy and stamina booster with high levels of potassium and vitamin B6, a nutrient that increases testosterone production in men and regulates the thyroid in women. Mix mayo with a pinch of curry. The curry not only adds spice, but the chilies increase blood flow and contain capsaicin, an enzyme that triggers mood-enhancing endorphins.

Tags: testosterone production, erectile response, fatty acids, hormone levels, improving circulation, vitamin nutrient