Monday, February 25, 2013

Prenatal Vitamins Vs Folic Acid

Good nutrition is important during pregnancy. What mom consumes is passed through the placenta. Supplementation with vitamins is easy through over-the-counter formulas. Moms may be confused about whether they should take an all-inclusive prenatal vitamin, folic acid or both.

Folic Acid Function

Folic acid is taken to promote good neural tube development in the growing fetus. The neural tube is what will become the brain and spine.

Prenatal Vitamin Function

Prenatal vitamins contain a mixture of vitamins and minerals including folic acid. They help make up deficiencies in the diet if mom does not get enough daily recommended servings of certain foods.

Folic Acid Dosages

According to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in "Your Pregnancy & Birth," women who are trying to conceive or who are in early pregnancy should have 0.4 mg of folic acid daily. Some may be consumed through food.

Prenatal Vitamin Composition

Industry leader Stuart brand prenatal vitamins and comparable store brands (such as Target's) contain 800 mcg (0.8 mg) of folic acid as well as the full daily values of vitamins C, D, E, B6, B12, thiamin, niacin, iron and zinc. They also contain vitamin A, riboflavin and calcium.


If a woman cannot tolerate certain ingredients in a prenatal multivitamin, such as high iron, she can take a folic acid supplement and consume a well-balanced diet.

Tags: folic acid, neural tube