Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Get Rid Of Cellulite & Sagging Skin

Weight loss or pregnancy can cause sagging skin and cellulite.

Cellulite and sagging skin are common problems among women of any age, but they often appear after pregnancy or weight loss. Sagging skin results when the skin cannot conform to the new shape. According to an article at, "The term cellulite refers to the dimpled appearance of the skin that some people have on their hips, thighs, and buttocks." Luckily, there are ways to improve both conditions.


1. Specific dietary supplements can aid in reducing cellulite.

Use supplements containing ingredients such as ginkgo biloba, sweet clover or grape-seed bioflavinoids to speed up metabolism, improve circulation and break up fat, thus improving cellulite appearance. These products are sold as dietary supplements rather than drugs, therefore they are not subject to the control of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). As a result, it is still controversial as to whether they meet safety or efficiency standards.

2. Exercise abdominal muscles to eliminate saggy skin.

Strengthen and tighten stomach and abdominal muscles by doing between 20 and 30 sit-ups per day. At the same time, exercising can break down and reduce cellulite for long-lasting results.

3. Smokers are more likely to develop saggy and wrinkled skin.

Smoking destroys collage, which can cause the skin to become saggy and wrinkled, according to a University of Alabama at Birmingham study found at The article "Get Rid of Sagging Belly Skin -- 7 Tips to Lose That Sagging Belly" suggests that drinking an adequate amount of water keeps the skin healthy and moist as well as reinforcing its tone. Water also cleanses the body by flushing out toxins, therefore improving the appearance of cellulite.

4. Massage skin with vitamin C lotions.

Reduce cellulite with methylxanthines, which include aminophylline, caffeine and theophyilline. Many cellulite creams that contain these chemicals claim they can actually break down fat. Purchase these creams from pharmacies or health stores, and use them to gently massage the affected areas. The University of Georgia Health Center states that skin tone and elasticity can improve by massaging the skin daily with lotions rich in vitamin C. This will help the skin to produce new collagen that will eventually reduce flabby and wrinkled skin.

5. Break down components of tissue that connect cells in the body by using the natural enzyme collagenase. A small study of 10 women, mentioned by, recommended that injections of the enzyme may aid in the reduction of cellulite. Medical author Melissa Conrad Stoppler, MD, adds that therapy is not yet customarily accessible, since there is controversy as to its effectiveness. Research will soon conclude whether injections of this nature could become an alternative treatment for cellulite. Collagen injections present another method for lifting sagging skin. While not a long-term solution, the injections can be repeated every three to 12 months to sustain skin firmness. Injections are, of course, more costly and do not offer the lasting results of exercise. The injections must be administered only by an accredited physician.

6. Plastic surgery is an option to eliminate sagging skin.

Take further action if the problem becomes more serious. Plastic surgery is an option for men or women who suffer severe sagging skin. According to the article "Get Rid of Sagging Belly Skin -- 7 Tips to Lose that Sagging Belly," the University of Minnesota states that the procedure involves a risk of scarring among other potential health risks that come along with any surgery. It is an expensive procedure that must be performed only by a qualified plastic surgeon. Another method of treatment is laser technology. Approved by the FDA, TriActive is an option of low-level laser therapy with suction and management of the skin, while VelaSmooth, also FDA approved, is a laser treatment and massage therapy. Both treatments are costly and require several repetitive sessions before any results are visible.

Tags: Sagging Belly, sagging skin, abdominal muscles, According article, article Sagging, article Sagging Belly