Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What Vitamins Are In Grapes

What Vitamins Are in Grapes?

We all know the importance of eating fruits and vegetables in maintaining a nutritional diet, but if you are deficient in a particular vitamin, you may want to know which foods are best for your health, grapes included.

Mgs Per 1 Cup Serving

One cup of grapes contains .66 mg manganese (33% Daily Value), 3.68 mg of Vitamin C (6.1% DV), .08 mg Vitamin B1 (5.3% DV), 175.72 mg potassium (5% DV) and .1 mg Vitamin B6 (5% DV).


One cup of grapes also contains 176 mg of potassium, 13 mg calcium, 9 mg phosphorus and 4.6 mg of magnesium.

More Benefits

Grapes are also known for their flavinoids, which are anti-oxidants and protect against heart disease.

New Developments

Recent studies have shown grapes lower cholesterol and contain high levels of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep.


When choosing a juice beverage for nutritional benefits, make sure the product is labeled "100% Juice," not "Juice Drink" or "Grape Drink."

Tags: Vitamins Grapes, What Vitamins, What Vitamins Grapes