Monday, March 4, 2013

Vitamins For Cats

Vitamins for Cats

Your cat might need extra vitamins in its diet depending on age, immune system and activity levels. Cats receive nutrition from their food, but there might be a time when supplements are needed to help keep your pet healthy.


There are water soluble and fat-soluble vitamins for cats. The supplements could come in liquid form, pill form or powders.


Feeding your cat extra water-soluble vitamins will not harm it as the vitamins are processed through the water in the body. Fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K, will be stored in the fat, so you should be careful when adding them your cat's diet.


Lack of proper vitamin consumption in the normal diet might result in ailments. Feeding too many vitamin supplements or the wrong type also could lead to problems. Understanding the proper balance is important.


There is no one-size-fits-all multivitamin for your cat that is suitable for the various stages of its life. Your veterinarian can help determine which vitamins are best for each stage and will provide recommendations.


Some hair enhancers, especially oil-based products, interfere with the body being able to process certain vitamins.

Tags: Vitamins Cats