Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Increase Hair Growth With Vitamins

Increase Hair Growth With Vitamins

So you've been dying for long, lustrous hair and you've figured out that taking vitamins just might do the trick. Well, you are right! It's not as cut and dry as you think, but taking vitamin supplements will definitely make a difference in your rate of hair growth and the health of your hair. The following guidelines should help you with your mission to increase your hair growth with vitamins:


1. Before you waste time and money on all of your hair growth efforts, make sure that you have realistic expectations. There is a science to hair growth that most certainly involves genetics. Based on your hair growth cycle, for which you can thank mom and pop, your hair will only grow to a certain length before it sheds and a new hair pops back up in its place. So if everyone in moms family had shoulder length hair and everyone in dad's family had mid-back length hair or less, you will surely never be able to attain a goal of growing your hair to the base of your spine.

2. When you have set an achievable goal, assess any damage to your hair and adopt a routine for treating this damage and preventing any new problems. Damaged hair will not thrive long enough for you to see the results of your new hair growth regimen. If not treated, this hair will fall out prematurely and actually undermine your efforts. Just peruse the products at your local beauty supply store and choose high quality treatments for hair damage.

3. There are other culprits that can seriously sabotage your efforts. Check your current state of health and wellness. Stress, illness, a poor diet, and certain medications can contribute to accelerated hair loss and extremely slow hair growth. Visiting the doctor to get a clean bill of health, beginning an emotional wellness plan to reduce stress and anxiety, making sure your diet contains a variety of healthy and nutrient rich foods, and paying attention to the affects that the medications you are taking have on your body are all things you can do to gain control over these culprits.

4. Once you are sure that nothing will stand in your way, choose your vitamin regimen and begin taking them on a daily basis. The most commonly used vitamins for hair growth are the B-Vitamins, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E.

B-Vitamins include thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin, folic acid, and cobalamin. They all support various functions of the body, including oxidation, cell repair, DNA synthesis, and the breakdown of carbohydrates. Although each is a separate and distinct vitamin, they work in tandem to promote healthy, thicker, and longer hair. The easiest way to guarantee your intake of all 8 of these vitamins, is to take a B-Complex supplement. Make sure that the complex contains the daily requirements of each of the B's. You can also take additional amounts of one or more of the individual vitamins, like pantothenic acid or biotin, which many people feel benefit the hair growth cycle more than the others. Some foods that are rich in B-Vitamins include legumes, vegetables, grains, eggs, and liver.

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for a range of metabolic reactions in the body and is also a powerful antioxidant. It is a requirement for the synthesis of collagen, which is a protein that is a main component of hair. Add a Vitamin C supplement to your B-complex and increase your intake of foods that are high sources of Vitamin C. These foods include, citrus fruits, green peppers, strawberries, potatoes, leafy greens, and cantaloupe.

Vitamin E is important in the formation of red blood cells and is an antioxidant that protects the body from damage caused by free radicals, which can affect cells, tissues, and organs. Regular doses of Vitamin E, either via a supplement or through food consumption, leads to improved circulation. The scalp reaps the rewards of this boost in cardiovascular function, and in turn, the growth cycle of the hair becomes more efficient. Food sources of vitamin E include asparagus, olives, seeds, avocado, almonds, vegetable oils, and cucumbers.

5. In order for you to see results, consistency is vital. Your vitamins must be taken every single day, preferably at the same time each day. You must also stick with your other lifestyle changes. If you are not seeing results, re-visit all the health and wellness checkpoints. You may even need to up the dosage of supplements you are taking, without reaching levels that may be considered toxic.

Tags: your hair, hair growth, hair growth, your hair growth, growth cycle, hair will, sure that