Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Scalp Acne Remedies

Scalp Acne

Scalp acne can occur anywhere on the body where there are a large number of hair follicles. It is caused when oil, grime and bacteria clog the hair follicle. Stress and a lowered immune system can exacerbate the problem. Luckily, there are many scalp acne remedies on the market that make eliminating scalp acne easy and pain free.


1. Begin with cleansing products. Many shampoos and conditioners can now act as helpful scalp acne remedies but seldom advertise this fact. Search for hair cleaners containing tea tree oil, lavender oil, or zinc. These elements help limit oil production of the scalp and cleanse the skin and hair without over drying. Buying these products, however, is not enough. It is important to cleanse the affected area thoroughly and daily. Without this daily practice in place, other scalp acne remedies are not likely to work.

2. Consider adding a topical application to the your daily cleansing routine. Salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide ointments, creams, astringents and gels can be applied directly to the acne for a speedier healing process. Consider products that are less likely to make your hair appear greasy. You will also want to use astringents sparingly to avoid over drying. If the scalp acne remedies dry the scalp, the oil glands kick into over drive and the acne will persist.

3. Manage your overall well-being. If stress or a lowered immune system is in place then acne is likely to appear. To help offset these physical stressors, it is important to take a daily multivitamin containing vitamins E and D. Vitamin E is beneficial to the skin, hair and nails while vitamin D is an antioxidant which promotes new cell generation and a heightened immune system.

4. Hydrate yourself. Drinking plenty of water is one of the easiest scalp acne remedies to follow through with. Drinking plenty of water will keep your skin healthy and will limit oil production.

5. See a physician if your scalp acne is severe and does not respond to over-the-counter remedies.

Tags: scalp acne remedies, acne remedies, immune system, scalp acne, scalp acne, acne remedies