Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Effects Of Taking A Biotin Vitamin

Healthy hair is one of many effects associated with biotin supplements.

The University of Maryland Medical Center says biotin is necessary for healthy skin, hair and eyes, among other things. Certain foods such as chicken and grains are high in biotin, but taking a biotin supplement helps replace what you may not get from your diet. The University also says that a health care practitioner may recommend 100 to 1,000 mcg of biotin for people who suffer with a deficiency.

Healthy Skin

Colorado State University lists biotin as an excellent vitamin for healthy skin. Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that is part of the B-vitamin family. The World's Healthiest Foods website says biotin is necessary for the normal function of an enzyme called acetyl Co-A carboxylase. This enzyme helps with the synthesis of fatty acids in the body, which is essential for skin health. Infants with a biotin deficiency suffer with dry skin and cradle cap. If you are taking fish oil and don't see a difference in your skin, take extra biotin supplements in addition to the fish oil. However, supplements have a cumulative effect on the body so they must taken over time to notice any real difference.

Healthy Hair

Biotin can also have a huge impact on the health of your hair. Biotin strengthens hair by helping the body better utilize other nutrients, such as protein and fats. Biotin also helps prevent dry scalp. People who take biotin supplements continually may start to notice that their hair is shiny as well. Biotin may help with hair growth as well, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

Increased Energy

The University of Maryland Medical Center also says that biotin can help with energy levels. Biotin is a B vitamin and this family of vitamins helps the body convert food into fuel for energy. Your body functions best when it can fully utilize the nutrients that you supply it with. Biotin also helps the nervous system function properly, which can help with long-term energy and stamina.

Strong Nails

Biotin strengthens all tissues and cells within the body, especially the nails. The body uses biotin to help create stronger keratin. Hair and nails are primarily made out of this particular protein. However, all of these effects with biotin are cumulative, meaning that you must take these vitamins over time to see significant results.


Biotin may also help some people suppress their appetite. Take biotin supplements with a large glass of water 30 minutes before eating. This may help reduce how much you eat. These particular effects have not been studied, but this benefit has often been associated with taking biotin supplements.

Tags: biotin supplements, Biotin also, help with, Maryland Medical, Maryland Medical Center, Medical Center, University Maryland