Friday, February 11, 2011

Vitamins For A Diabetic Dog

Add vitamins to your dog's food regimen to manage diabetes.

Sugar diabetes, or diabetes mellitus, is an immune disorder that commonly affects dogs between the ages of seven and nine. Treatment for this condition is a special diet and sometimes medication, such as insulin, depending on the type of diabetes and its severity. Adding daily vitamins to your diabetic dog's food regimen will help manage diabetes.


Dogs with diabetes are prone to developing diabetic neuropathy, a condition where nerve function decreases, typically affecting the lower limbs. This happens because persistently elevated blood sugar levels damage the peripheral nerves. Methyl-B12 can suppress the deterioration of the peripheral nerves. It also regulates the sensors in the spinal cord to the nerves, reducing the pain messages that the nerves receive, lessening the pain your dog feels. Methyl-B12 is available through online vitamin retailers as well as at most veterinarians' offices. Dosage depends on the weight of your dog and the severity of its condition. Read all instructions and product information before giving this vitamin to your dog.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an all-around good vitamin to give your dog as a daily supplement. In the case of a diabetic dog, vitamin E helps to control blood sugar levels, improving insulin action, and works to strengthen immune factors. Vitamin E is available at health food stores and grocery stores. Dosage for a diabetic dog is based on the severity of the dog's condition as well as its weight; a veterinarian can give an accurate dosage amount for your dog.

Vitamin C

The use of vitamin C helps lessen some of the problems associated with diabetes in dogs. Vitamin C helps protect the kidneys as well as control blood sugar levels and increase insulin efficiency. Vitamin C used in conjunction with vitamin E works to help regenerate vitamin E, which enhances its antioxidant effect. Vitamin C is available at health food stores and grocery stores. Consult your veterinarian for dosage before administering this vitamin to your diabetic dog.

Tags: blood sugar, blood sugar levels, sugar levels, available health, available health food, control blood, control blood sugar