Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How Does Chromium Picolinate Help Weight Loss

How Does Chromium Picolinate Help Weight Loss?

How Does Chromium Picolinate Help Weight Loss?

Chromium is a vital trace mineral that helps insulin to be more resourceful within the body, and it is believed by many that chromium supplements aid in weight loss and better body composition. Chromium supplementation assists in glucose (sugars and carbohydrates) being transmitted into muscle cells instead of being transmitted into fat cells. Weight gain is the result when chromium is transmitted into fat cells. Taking chromium aids in the transmittal of carbohydrates and sugars into the muscle cells; however, it does not give a person a license to overeat foods that are high in sugars and carbohydrates. In addition to taking chromium supplements, there are foods that are high in chromium content, such as brewer's yeast or cinnamon. There are two forms of chromium which consist of chromium picolinate and chromium polynicotinate. Chromium picolinate is the most common form taken by many to aid in weight loss and improved body composition.

Clinical Research Done on Chromium Picolinate

A clinical research study that was reported in an issue of Current Therapeutic Research, showed that chromium picolinate supplementation is a significant resource for improving body structure and composition. Body composition depends upon the volume of fatty tissue within the body opposed to the ratio of fat-free mass. The research data plainly showed that chromium supplementation could definitely result in fat/weight loss and a considerable improvement in the composition of the body. In another clinical study of the affects of chromium picolinate usage, 122 fairly obese individuals who supplemented with chromium picolinate, lost approximately 6.2 pounds of body fat. The individuals who did not supplement with chromium picolinate and took a placebo instead, lost approximately 3.4 pounds. According to Gilbert Kaats, PhD and head investigator of the clinical studies, from the Health and Medical Research Foundation, he suggests that supplementing with chromium picolinate will aid in fat loss, mainly in individuals who may not be as determined in making lifestyle changes that include changes such as changing their diets by reducing their caloric intake and getting more exercise in their daily routine.

How Much Chromium Picolinate Should Be Taken?

The amount of chromium picolinate may vary by individuals. It can all depend on whether a person is supplementing chromium into her diet by means of foods that contain chromium as well. However, in the clinical study, the participants were given 400 micrograms of chromium picolinate while the others were given a placebo. The results of this clinical study was measured over a 90-day time span. The study concluded that chromium picolinate has a definite positive effect on the human body resulting in fat loss, due to its capacity to improve insulin use.

Tags: that chromium, chromium picolinate, Chromium Picolinate Help, clinical study, Does Chromium