Friday, January 22, 2010

Remove Yeast From The Body

Proper diet can prevent high yeast levels in the body and contribute to overall health.

Candida albicans is the scientific name for the type of yeast most commonly found within the body. Excess amounts of Candida yeast can cause yeast infections in the mouth, eyes, groin area and on the skin itself. Yeast infections can also develop within the body, leading to gastrointestinal problems, mental fatigue and even more complicated health issues. Yeast infections do not simply go away, and should be diagnosed and treated by a trained professional.


1. Diagnose the problem. Common symptoms of excess yeast in the body include gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, vaginal yeast infections, other fungal infections, itchy skin, mood changes and increased asthma or allergies. There are dozens of other symptoms, as well, that vary by person. Excess yeast is often caused by the use of antibiotics or birth control pills, stress, parasites, constipation, immune deficiency or diabetes. If you suspect that you have excess yeast, have a comprehensive digestive stool analysis performed by your doctor.

2. Toxin cleansing vitamin or herb kits are available at most health food stores. Your doctor can recommend a treatment for you. Avoid using chemical treatments, as they will generally kill both the yeast and the yeast eating "good" bacteria in your body. Surface yeast symptoms, such as a vaginal yeast infection, can be treated with cream, or, if you prefer a healthier alternative, with yogurt. Yogurt contains the same yeast-neutralizing enzymes as yeast treatment creams and can be applied in the same manner as yeast treatment creams.

3. Replenish "good" bacteria. Good bacteria will grow and multiply over time, but if you are a sufferer of repeated yeast-related health issues, you probably want to speed up that process. Probiotics, pills that contain live beneficial bacteria, are available that will increase the number of those good bacteria rapidly. Probiotics are sometimes included in a toxin cleansing kit. Your doctor will also have recommendations.

4. Remove the yeast's food supply, effectively "starving" it, by adopting a healthy diet. Yeast feeds on sugar, so sugary foods, such as candy, fruit, sugared drinks and even alcoholic beverages, should be eliminated as much as possible from your diet. Starchy foods, such as corn or potatoes, also contain glucose, and should only be used in moderation. Yeast also feeds on moldy food, so you should abstain from eating cheese, smoked or cured meat, malt, and condiments such as soy sauce and vinegar. Foods that contain yeast should be avoided, as well. Common yeasty foods are breads, fermented foods such as sauerkraut and alcoholic beverages. Eat plenty of vegetables, beans, unprocessed meat and nuts, eggs, whole grains such as rice and oatmeal, and whole grain pasta.

5. Take the daily vitamins recommended to you by your doctor. Vitamins will help boost your immune system and maintain healthy bacterial and hormonal levels. Garlic is also a natural yeast fighter, so garlic pills could be taken along with vitamins to combat excess yeast in your body.

Tags: foods such, alcoholic beverages, excess yeast, good bacteria, health issues, that contain, treatment creams