Thursday, January 21, 2010

Home Remedy To Reduce Cellulite

No matter what size you are, you may worry about cellulite. Cellulite is the bumpy-looking skin that often appears on the thighs, buttocks, stomach, backs of arms and other areas of the body where fat tends to accumulate.

You can have surgery to correct this condition, but there's no need to spend thousands of dollars on surgical techniques when there is a home remedy to reduce cellulite right at your fingertips.

Body Brushing

Skin brushing has been a technique used in beauty spas for years. It helps improve circulation and lymph flow and sheds dead skin cells so that your skin looks glowing and at the peak of good health.

Howard Murad, M.D., a board certified dermatologist, has stated that dry body brushing is a highly effective way of treating and managing cellulite. Skin brushing improves circulation, which helps bring vital nutrients and oxygen to the skin's surface. This improves the texture and overall appearance of the skin.

Start with a soft, natural-bristled brush. Begin brushing at your feet, sweeping up the legs in long motions. Sweep over your thighs, buttocks and stomach areas. Always make sure to brush toward your heart. If you overdo it, your skin will become red and irritated. Dry brushing is best done first thing in the morning.

Coffee Grounds

You might be surprised to learn that caffeine is a common ingredient found in some of the most expensive cellulite creams. Use caffeinated coffee grounds and grind them into a powder. Warm them and mix in a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. Apply to your skin using a loofah mitt, wash cloth or your bare hands. Wrap the area with the coffee grounds with Saran wrap for about 30 minutes, and then rinse it off in a warm shower. It is recommended that you do the treatment at least twice a week.

Cellulite Massage

A cellulite massage focuses on rubbing the affected areas of the body using a technique developed to soften and release the fatty deposits creating the lumpy, "cottage cheese" appearance. It also improves blood circulation. Rollers are also used to provide a deep, penetrating massage.

The type of oils you use for a cellulite massage are important. Peppermint and lavender oils are said to stimulate fat cells to assist in smoothing skin in problem areas.

Cellulite Lotions and Creams

Cellulite lotions and creams offer you another home remedy to reduce cellulite. Many creams need to be applied two to three times a day. They usually contain typical moisturizers as well as active ingredients such as caffeine and retinol, an anti-wrinkle ingredient

Most people see positive results within 30 to 60 days when used consistently. Results from these products only last as long as you use them.

Tags: your skin, areas body, buttocks stomach, cellulite massage, coffee grounds