Thursday, April 9, 2009

Improve Male Infertility Naturally

Male infertility is a frustrating condition for couples trying to conceive. Prescription medications are available to increase fertility, but they can also cause undesirable side effects. Medical procedures such as in vitro fertilization are also an option but may be invasive and expensive. Fortunately, men can take certain steps to help increase fertility naturally.


1. Stop smoking and drinking. Alcohol and cigarette smoke can lower sperm count and be a factor in male infertility.

2. Avoid hot baths, spas and saunas. Heat is known to be associated with reduced sperm production.

3. Wear loose-fitting underwear. Tight underwear can constrict the testes and increase testicular temperature, lowering sperm count.

4. Maintain an ideal body weight. Both obese and underweight men often have a low sperm count.

5. Take 2,000 to 6,000 mg of vitamin C, 100 to 200 mg of zinc, 1,000 mg of chromium and 1,000 mg of vitamin B12 each day to increase sperm count and improve sperm motility.

Tags: sperm count, increase fertility